Laughter Yoga

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Is our great NHS at breaking point?

Living a healthy life is not an easy task nowadays!
 We’re all stressed out and overwhelmed with our daily struggles and, most of the time,
we put our health last.
Support your body’s needs and achieve your health goals with an all-natural and potent supplement Laughter Yoga
Get your daily DOSE now Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin. Endorphins (happy drugs)

We need to do this now to help out our FAB NHS
The Nation health service Caring for our Nation from the cradle to the grave – They are now in a bit of a crisis at the moment Long waiting lists, so hard to get an appointment with your GP/dentist long waits ay A&E shortages of staff dissatisfied with pay and conditions some of the worst in Europe

What’s to be done? We must take responsibility. lead a healthy lifestyle, maintain weight/loose, take exercise and look after our mental health

MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL? treat the NHS with respect turn up for appointments or cancel if no longer needed so that others can take your place.

The future of the NHS
A large sign has appeared at a Doctors – it reads

Please be kind to us. We are trying our best.

How would you feel if you saw this at your doctors?
Don’t we all love our NHS?