Laughter Yoga

U.K’s No.1 Laughter Yoga Married Couple

As a member of Equity Clive comes with £10,ooo,ooo of public liability insurance & has an enhanced DBS criminal record certificate

Laughter yoga for team building enhancing communications

They are great

Your employees are your most valuable assets. The happier they are at work the more they will want to get back to work, the longer they will want to stay with your company. People that laugh together!

sinario Jill is in stores James is in the office June drives the van Jack takes the orders and sends them on

They may never meet but on a training day / afternoon (every employer by law has a duty of care for the employees mental and physical health)

They get together laugh gain advanced breathing skills and stronger

so when some gets asked to do something down the phone That will stretch them they are more likely as they now no June is a good laugh and would be happy to help her out.

please call us so we can come to your event workplaces. You will then be leading with laughter as the saying goes

Call Clive and Jackie 07860 290437

ps this will also attract a lot of publicity for your company 

awards for the best laugher , not not properly dressed without a smile 

Ready to Laugh?

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