Laughter Yoga

U.K’s No.1 Laughter Yoga Married Couple

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Laughter yoga in care homes.

Care home Bournemouth

A Tommy Cooper contest

Laughter Yoga Ideally suited for seniors

With advancing age, some older adults stop laughing due to dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Due to decline in cognitive abilities, they are unable to comprehend humour and jokes. Laughter Yoga is ideally suited for seniors as it brings more laughter into their lives. As it is a physically oriented technique, LY is an ideal exercise program for seniors as they receive many health benefits without relying on their mental or cognitive abilities.

It is important for event organisers to note this is not entertainment… the emphasis is on having a fun workout ie an exercise class for the purpose of getting fitter like armchair aerobics. We would recommend a course of six classes for them to really start feeling the benefits of laughter and really start looking forward to exercising with laughter. Coopers Capers is one of our laughter yoga exercises where we all wear Fez’s which instigates laughter and fun from distant memories- if you would like a Tommy Cooper magical event please go to our entertainment website


Catch Them Young

Seniors can be divided into 2 categories: Retired and still active. Assisted living. If seniors start using LY early in their retirement, they will live a better quality of life for more years (and won’t end up in a nursing home early!) For those living in aged care facilities, LY can help to stimulate physical and mental capabilities.

Health Benefits

As they grow older they develop age-related health problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis and many other chronic health conditions. This leads them to spend most of their time visiting doctors and hospitals. LY facilitates healing by strengthening the immune system, improving blood circulation, and increasing oxygen to the body’s cells. It provides a powerful cardiovascular workout, strengthening their muscles especially for seniors unable to move their bodies to do physical exercises.

Supports Good Mental Health

Many seniors suffer from depression, loneliness and frustration. As they lose their loved ones and health, it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain a positive mental attitude. LY changes a person’s biochemistry in a way that supports good mental health.

We provide classes in Poole, Bournemouth, in Dorset and also Somerset and Hampshire.

Ask about the Tommy Cooper experience!

Our ultimate goal would be for a member of your team to become a laughter yoga leader/teacher and we run a two day training course so care homes can become self sufficient… for more information please see our training page, click on link below

Laughter Yoga leaders 2 Day Training Course in Poole Dorset.












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