Family laughter yoga join in with the YouTube video at the bottom of this page
The three rules to feeling good about yourself and your world
Teach these to your family and friends!
1, Just pretend to be happy pretending is really practicing to be happy! Start the day with the idea that it is impossible for anyone to upset me, each day you will go for longer and longer as your resilience starts to expand
2, keep well away from moaners they will drag you down with their negative energy, don’t entertain them under any circumstances-leg it when you even think they could turn up!
3, Complement other people become an expert at spotting their good traits, you will be surprised how that will make you feel by making someone else’s day, but don’t lie to them! Everyone has something good in them even the moaners – when you become expert at complementing them one and leg it. Xx
Laughter in response to amusing events requires a lot of effort because it engages numerous parts of the brain, including those that control physical, emotional, cognitive, and social processes. There are many studies that prove the benefits of laughing.
Physical power: Laughter helps people develop their muscles and upper body strength when they are young. A laugh is more than just breathing. It frequently necessitates movement of the eyes, head, and shoulders, requiring intricate combinations of facial muscles. Multiple brain regions are activated when we laugh, whether we are doing it or watching it: the muscle-controlling motor cortex; the frontal lobe, which aids in context comprehension; as well as the limbic system, which controls positive emotions. By activating each of these circuits, healthy brains are able to better coordinate their activity and strengthen their neural connections.
Laughter can improve your mood and lessen the intensity of your physical and emotional response to stress by activating the neural pathways of emotions like joy and mirth. Similar to how antidepressants control serotonin levels in the brain, laughing, for instance, will help. The release of neurotransmitters and hormones like cortisol, which can wear down your cardiovascular, metabolic, and immune systems over time, is limited as a result of reducing your brain’s responses to threats. Laughter is like a stress reliever because stress weakens these systems and makes people more likely to get sick.
Cognitive power: A good sense of humor and subsequent laughter necessitate a high level of social intelligence and working memory. Similar to humor, recognizing the absurdities or contradictions of a situation typically leads to laughter. In order to laugh, you must mentally resolve the unexpected behavior or event; Instead, you might just be lost. You can increase the intensity of your laughter and amusement by inferring the intentions of others and considering their point of view. You need to be able to see the bright side of things in order to “get” a joke or a funny situation. You must believe that there are other possibilities than the literal; for instance, you might find “The Far Side” comic strips with talking animals to be amusing.
Social power: You can monitor when and why laughter occurs during conversations with the help of a number of cognitive and social skills working together. To laugh, you don’t even need to hear a laugh. Like emoticons in written text, deaf signers punctuate their signed sentences with laughter. Laughter strengthens relationships and increases intimacy.
Don Nilsen, a linguist, points out that chuckles and belly laughs rarely occur alone, demonstrating their significant social role. Babies’ laughter is an external sign of pleasure that begins early in life and helps strengthen relationships with caregivers. Later, it is a visible sign of appreciation for the situation and shared
understanding. Public speakers and comedians, for instance, try to make their audience laugh so that they feel psychologically closer to them and more intimate.
You can develop social skills that may not come easily to you by laughing a little bit every day. When you laugh at humor, you share your feelings with other people and learn that your reaction won’t be rejected, ignored, or disliked. Instead, you will learn from the risks. Psychologists have found that men with Type A personality traits like competitiveness and a need to get things done quickly laugh more than women with those traits. When they are with other people, both sexes laugh more than when they are by themselves.
Mental power: Researchers in positive psychology investigate how people can thrive and lead meaningful lives. This kind of flourishing can be attributed to the positive
feelings that come from laughing. These emotions, such as amusement, happiness, mirth, and joy, increase creative thinking and build resilience. They make people feel happier and better about themselves. According to the findings of the researchers, these upbeat feelings brought on by laughter and humor are correlated with recognizing the significance of life and assist older adults in maintaining a benign perspective on the difficulties they have endured throughout their lives
A healthy way to deal with stress is to laugh at yourself for being amused. When you laugh, you may feel empowered to solve problems and take yourself or the situation less seriously. For instance, psychologists measured 41 people’s ratings of physical and mental stress in addition to the frequency and intensity of their laughter over the course of two weeks. They discovered that people reported feeling less stressed when they laughed more. It didn’t matter if there were strong, medium, or weak moments of laughter.
Is it possible to make laughing work for you in order to reap some of these rewards for yourself? Increasing numbers of therapists encourage clients to build trust and improve work environments by using humor and laughter; After laughter interventions, a review of five different studies revealed an increase in well-being measures. These interventions, which are sometimes referred to as “homeplay” as opposed to “homework,” consist of daily activities that make you laugh, such as hanging out with funny people, watching a comedy that makes you laugh, or writing down three things that made you laugh today.
You can learn to laugh even when you’re by yourself. Choose to see things from a perspective that sees the funny side of things. Laughing yoga is a method that combines forced laughter with the positive physical responses of natural laughter by using breathing muscles.
Researchers today aren’t laughing off its importance, but much of the study on laughter’s impact on mental and physical health is based on self-report measurements.
at is more important is to spend some time with your loved ones and express your joy and happiness.